

The First Year: Type 2 Diabetes: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed by Gretchen Becker 
The best book I’ve read about Type 2 diabetes. It got me through my first year and I’ve referred to it often since.


Jane Fonda’s Fitness Walkout
My favorite walking tape. I used it starting out years ago and followed through with tapes two and three (all part of the package) to lose 50 lbs! I’m starting over now with the same first tape. It features a varied selection of upbeat music that provides just the rhythm needed to warm up, work out, and cool down, all with some voice-over encouragement from Jane. I love being able to walk without having to figure out how fast I need to be going — the beats in these tunes are designed to do that for you.

Workout clothes/swimwear

Sylvia’s Swimwear

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